LCCJ 2x24kg: 2x 5rep
LCCJ with press-outs 2x32kg: 5x 3rep
LCCJ 2x24kg: 10
Snatch 24kg: 5/5, 20/20
Outside swings 2x24kg: 3x 10reps
Some bu-cleans w 24kg & farm walks 2x32kg
Breaking all tips, advice, and common sense - passion came along and obliged me to do lccj with 32s. It was fun though, the later sets it got easier to keep the bells centered in the jerk phase. My big issue in jerk with 32s is to generate enough power with the legs to get weight high enough (so that I don't have to press them - then they go to the sides). The cleans feel ok, except that 32s are heavy :-).
I passed by a medical dispensary this morning. There was a lot of discarded furniture outside and a mechanical scale. I asked an employee if I could take it and it was no problems. I tried it and it worked perfectly. It will be a nice addition to both future GS-comps and calibrating bell poundages.
A good day, it started in the morning when I saw a moose/elk/älg running next to the highway just a few kilometers out of town.
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