Saturday, May 28, 2011

Mansplaining: Worst Catchphrase Ever

There is a new catch phrase that is setting the Feminist
blogosphere a buzz. It's called "Mansplaining" it was
first used a couple of years ago, but in the past six
months it has taken off, and is widely and wrongly used
in debates.

Mansplaining means you are beginning condensing,
patronizing and feel that you are correct because you
are the man in the conversation.

How utterly ridiculous that concept is. It takes any
robust debate down to the gutter level, and is equivalent
to little kids who would scream out  "Your
an idiot" during arguments with their classmates.

 If there is a debate on any subject, it doesn't have to be
political, it could even be about Apples or Pears, if you
have a different opinion, a different point of view with
a poster, and that poster is female and you are
male, the word "MANSPLAINER" will be shouted
from the rooftops from anyone who disagrees
with your point of view.

For example just the other day there was a debate on the
always interesting "hand mirror" site, about if  the Hamilton Casino
is being honest about wanting to open 24/7 to attract high
end punters from Asia, or are they really after, the local's
money, which could lead to social economic problems.

I took the view that they are after the Visiting Asian Market,
while the poster "Stargazer" believe this wasn't the case and
they were after the local market, thus causing problems for
the local community.

Well, let the Mansplaining comments begin, apparently I was
Mansplaining, and then I was Mansplaining again by explaining
that I just have a different point of view.

Of course it wasn't a case of mansplaining, I was just
pointing out my thoughts on the subject, like the
poster "Stargazer" was pointing out their's.

I wonder how the posters would  of commented if I had
of  been a female? they couldn't use the term Mansplainer,
and that is where using the term Mansplainer falls down.

You are basically saying any male that is debating a female
on any given topic is a Mansplainer, and that is not even close to

Oh for the record, I thought the poster
"Stargazer" was male, although  it didnt matter to me what gender
she was.

It matters to some people though.


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