Friday, May 27, 2011

PRINT-The Little Guide to Un-Procrastination by Leo Babauta

If you've read more than one book by Leo Babauta, you get the feeling they are all the same book. This is not precisely true since there are differences in the books depending on the subject. But the advice is largely the same. The fact is that Leo Babauta is the AC/DC of personal development writers. His shit is simple. It doesn't change much. But it fucking rocks!

Much of this book on beating procrastination overlaps with the work Leo did on focus, but he deals specifically with procrastination which is a form of fear. Leo doesn't waste a lot of time philosophizing or analyzing it. He just gives concrete advice for getting over the hump and getting the inertia going. Once the fear evaporates, the procrastination is gone, and you are on your way.

I read this book during a load of laundry at the mat, so it is a breezy read. But like with all of Leo's books, you find yourself rereading them. If I could give a tip to Mr. Babauta, he should put all his work in one volume to be published in hardback. It would sell.


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