I am pissed off as I write this. I am listening to a sunday morning program as so-called brilliant people analyze and put their respective partisan spins on what is nothing short of a complete clusterfuck of this nation by Bush, Obama, Congress, and the Federal Reserve. Then, I read about inflation knowing the source of it which is the Fed printing money out of thin air to buy government debt.
It bothers me that we have idiots at the wheel. I deal with leftards on Facebook who are so goddamn stupid not to see with their own eyes that government is the problem and not a bunch of companies that now have to pay the same inflated prices for their fuel as the rest of us. The other idiots are the Donald Trump supporters who are closet racists and want price controls and mercantilism. You can't have this much concentrated stupidity in a nation and not have negative consequences. We are truly fucked.
Ron Paul is the only glimmer of hope I see in this nation of idiots. He has no chance of getting elected, but he at least educates people on what is going on. People don't vote for Ron Paul because they don't think he's right. They don't vote for Ron Paul because they want him to be wrong. But they know better. We all know better. Ron Paul tells the truth.
This country is dying under the weight of an ever growing government. It intervenes abroad and maintains an empire. It spends at home on wasteful government programs. It inflates by printing money out of thin air. And now, it must choose to default on its debts or try to loot the people through taxes and more inflation. This is reality. This is actually the way it is. Yet, pointing out these facts is considered "nutty." It blows the mind.
Wisdom is the truest form of pain.
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