Saturday, January 21, 2012


1. Free e-books:

Falling While Sitting Down
How to Be Remarkable
The Flinch

Available for a limited time. Get your copy today.

2. I voted for Ron Paul in the SCGOP primary. It was kinda sad because I knew it would be the last time I would see his name on a ballot. Most people in SC are too stupid to vote for Ron Paul.

3. Seal and Heidi Klum are getting a divorce. Another couple who bought the lie.

4. You knew I wasn't going to let you down on this. A shot of the delicious Heidi Klum:

5. It is said that Seal is a well endowed male. Clearly, Heidi wasn't with him for his looks.

6. I bet Seal was sharing his endowment. Heidi was one of the selfish types. I wonder if she shared some of her endowments.

7. Julian Assange has spent the last year fighting extradition to Sweden. The irony is that if he wins he won't ever be able to leave the UK again as he will face that extradition again wherever he goes. The US can then extradite him straight from the UK. He will see the inside of an American courtroom. It will be the trial of the decade.

8. HuffPo has 11 Health Habits to help you live to be 100. I have a twelfth one. This would be not dying.

9. As I write this, Gingrich is the predicted winner here in SC. Kinda sickening. Apparently, adultery is preferable to Mormonism or non-interventionist foreign policy.

10. I bet Governor Nikki Haley regrets that hasty decision to endorse Romney. It sucks to lick the wrong ass.


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