Saturday, January 28, 2012


1. In an effort to make coffee convenient, I started using Folgers Single Packs. Here's a tip. Don't waste your fucking money. Half the time, the teabag coffee splits open sending coffee grounds into your coffee. If you try and drink this crap, it will leave gritty grounds in your teeth and down your throat. Folgers sucks.

2. I endeavor to write and maintain the sort of blog I would want to read. This should explain the pics of sweet ass.

3. It is said that the Declaration of Independence was written on hemp paper. This is bad news. We already know Washington has smoked the Constitution.

4. Ron Paul ain't dropping out. Why should he? With two words, he can decide the next president of the United States. Those two words are THIRD PARTY.

5. Every so often, someone tells me to censor comments here. Fuck that. That is just fucking stupid. Besides, the thread of hate on my triathlon post is a beauty to behold.

6. Sometimes, I debate whether to put a joke here or post it as a Facebook status update. My life would be a lot less complicated with a single platform.

7. There is one good thing I can say about Rachel Maddow. She always wears sensible shoes.

8. Erin Brockovich should look into the fact that most of the pols in Washington are full of shit. It has to be something in the water.

9. Workers spend $1000 yearly on coffee. I go through a can a week of the cheap stuff from Walmart. This would be 7 bucks or about $364 a year. But this doesn't count what I drink at work. This would be another can bringing it up to $728. Then, there is the cup I buy daily from Dunkin' Donuts, McDonald's, Krispy Kreme, etc. This would be another $2 daily adding $730 to the $728 total. $1458. Damn. I'm going to have to become a java dealer to support my habit.

10. The creator of the Liberty Dollar got twenty years for creating real money. Meanwhile, the Fed keeps pumping out the fake money. The world is fucked.

11. I left out the Diet Mountain Dew, Sugar Free Red Bull, and Diet Coke I also drink. Yeah, I have a problem. Not going to fix it either.

12. Link love.


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