Sunday, January 22, 2012


1. Nassim Taleb has a new book coming out. Unfortunately, it will be 9 months in coming.

2. All his books are the same sort of like the songs of AC/DC. But they fucking rock!

3. Link love.

4. Joe Pa is gone. Sad end to a great coach.

5. I live here, so I'm entitled to talk shit. Ron Paul was dead last in SC primary voting. This is because the state of South Carolina is full of stupid motherfuckers.

6. Anonymous continues to lay waste to its enemies. I hope I never piss those guys off.

7. I can attest that you can piss off leftards and triathletes with little ill effect.

8. TIP FOR BLACKBERRY: Make an Android smartphone.

9. In Newt vs. Obama, I'd rather have Obama. Newt is like Mentos in Diet Coke.

10. Romney lost in SC because he got an endorsement from Governor Nikki Haley. Seriously.


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