1. While everyone is watching football bowl games, I am reading about my current favorite athletic hero, Desiree Davila. Blue collar and awesome.
2. The MSM is spraying santorum in our faces in the hopes that he will beat out Ron Paul for a win in Iowa. Nevermind that most of the bigotry that Paul is accused of probably applies to Santorum.
3. Tim Tebow could possibly win as a write in.
4. Obama signs the NDAA into law. The law gives him authority to fistfuck any American citizen he pleases. But Big Brother O issued a signing statement clarifying that he will only use his pinky finger. That's a big relief.
5. OWS is back in Zuccotti Park. Here's an idea. Do what their parents did to them. Threaten to charge them rent.
6. Jonathan Ive is now Sir Jonathan Ive. No controversy there except some people were grousing about not being able to switch out the batteries.
7. A good New Year's Resolution is to resolve to wait until mid-February to sign up for that gym membership. In the meantime, try out some BodyRock. No gym needed.
8. Yes, she also doubles as a porn star. Not making that up. Do your own Google Image Search on that because I'm trying to keep the C-blog family friendly.
9. No, I don't know any hangover remedies. I would advise that hair of the dog shit, but I am not a Keynesian. Take your suffering, and it will be over sooner.
10. Lists make cool blog posts and articles for the internet. Of course, having to click through 50 page loads to get through those lists sucks a giant fat dick. There is one thing you can say about the C-blog. When you get a list, it is always a one pager. Zero ads as well. Enjoy the New Year.
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