Friday, February 17, 2012

Tommy Jordan "Laptop Dad" Part 3

The following again is just my opinion,
I present nothing as fact.

I have done a couple of posts on
Tommy "Laptop Dad" Jordan, this
of course is my third.

The theme has been, is it all a Hoax?,
or is true?, I think the answer is a little
bit from column A and a little bit
from Column B.

The part of his story that he went to
High School and College at the same time,
while working two jobs and living alone
all at the age of 15 sounds false.

The part of the story when he says he didn't
know this would go viral has to be false, no
one who works in I.T would think like this.

Then his side of the story saying his daughter
only spends a few minutes a day doing chores,
sounds false also.

This blog post is not about this, it's about Tommy's
behavior and is he showing all the characteristics
of a bully and a control freak of a middle age man
in a position of power and privilege.

Some of these points, I have made before.

First off, if what his Daughter is saying is true, Tommy
thinks it's okay to have your child up at 5am and working till
ten pm around the house and also doing unpaid work at
his place of business. She is 15, if your that age
and doing unpaid work in a place of business, then
surly thats illegal, it doesn't matter if its your parents
business or not.

By continuing to go on facebook and letting strangers
comment to him, what a great parent he is, and how
his daughter is wrong, well IMHO he is asserting
control over her and trying to show her, that she
is alone, she will have no help, and his word is
Law no matter what.

Men who are bread winners in the family often
try this tactic, so basically they get their way over
and over again, its a vicious circle their victims
know they cant get out of.

Probably the most sinister part of this, is the
daughter's allegation that once she had
washed the floors, Tommy Jordan walked
back in with muddy boots and made her do
it again.

This is text book cruelty, and is usually the
behavior of controlling sociopaths, to keep
their victims again in line.

The control freak, which I believe Tommy is,
will try to put out what a great guy they are, they
will tell people about the charity work they have
done (Tommy Jordan has done this on facebook)
they will tell people about  how they work fulltime
 and out in public they will be as sweet and as nice
as they can be, its only their victims that see the
real side.

They will also be extremely  passive aggressive
towards their victims.

Shame on Fox News and Glenn Beck, shame on
the people on facebook for  egging this guy on.

Most of all shame on Tommy Jordan for doing
this, I'm sure poor Hannah will now jump when
you click your fingers for her to make you a cup
of coffee, Im sure she will spend hours at your
business giving you free Labour, and Im sure you
will make her feel guilty about anything she does.

Its just a shame that Tommy will make so much
money from this by controlling the story and not
letting the media in, and its a shame we will
never hear Hannah's side of the story.

Thoughts and wishes go out to her and the
situation that she is.

Fingers crossed it will get better for her.

(Again this post is just my opinion, I'm not making
any statement of fact)


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