Thursday, February 23, 2012


1. The fuckbot picture generator has broken down. Sorry.

2. Ron Paul got in some good licks in last night's debate. He also got more time to speak. Santorum got slammed.

3. Spring is here. There go the sinuses.

4. The Higgs boson is in the crosshairs. Or maybe not. Damn that God particle!

5. Mick Jagger describes Obama's singing as "courageous." That is odd. I have heard the same thing about my art.

6. "Courageous" must be a diplomatic way of saying "sucks ass."

7. Pepsi is coming out with a mid-calorie soda called "Pepsi Next." It will have half the calories which means people will drink twice as much of the stuff.

8. Rand Paul says he would be honored to be Romney's veep. Libertarians are not amused.

9. J.K. Rowling is going to write a novel for grown ups. What she doesn't get is that many of the Potter readers were grown ups.

10. Yes, I read all of those damn books. Fuck you. Kiss my ass. And don't ask me if I got teary eyed.

11. The Motorhead video generator is not broken down. Enjoy!


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