Sunday, February 26, 2012

Gym, Uddevalla Open

Dead-lift 100kg: 3x 8reps

Bench press 50kg: 10reps
Bench press 70kg: 3x 6reps

Triceps extensions: 3x 10reps
Some light biceps curl

An ordinary gym day. Starting over a dl cycle from light.

As you have noted I am not training for the Uddevalla LC Open competition next weekend (LINK). Still, I will compete, judge and meet nice people.

Anyway, since the competition date was decided I never found the motivation to start a period of competition training. And, around New Year I decided not to prepare specifically for this competition. I preferred to continue towards my goal of doing a nice set with 28kgs.

Well, to put it short, if I would have prepared for the Uddevalla Open I would have lifted a lot more 20 and 24kgs with a focus on rep cadence. Even if there will be no personal records, I will have a great competition day anyway.

Look what I got in my cell phone last week!


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