Monday, December 19, 2011

Q & A

Q: Is freedom doomed?


The history of humanity shows that humans are not free. You will notice that most discussions of history are dominated by stories of war, and it is only until the last few centuries that you get to stories of exploration and true scientific endeavor. For the most part, human history is one long bloody story of people getting over on other people usually through violent means.

The history of the USA is a blip in all that history. Even then, it is not so swell. The times we live in today are atypical. Will they last? Probably not. Even now, forces are moving to eradicate human flourishing.

Freedom and respect for life and property are the cornerstones for human flourishing. Much of the exceptional times we enjoy today owe a great deal to the Renaissance and the Enlightenment. But even though we have reams of evidence showing the failures of communism or the fact that religion is a myth, these errors persist and crop up again and again.

Tyranny persists for the same reasons that violence, murder, and rape persist. There are people who will always want to take instead of trade for what they want. Inevitably, those people find their way into government. It is what it is. I cannot change it.

I am what I call a "libertarian pessimist." I believe that freedom is the best way to go. I also believe that people are too stupid to be free. Even now, the American electorate has a real choice in Ron Paul, but they aren't going to make him President. This is because of this inherent stupidity on their part. Ron Paul represents the end of the welfare check. Nevermind that the country is going broke. It will have to go broke before people listen. Then, they promptly forget what they heard. This is why I begin with education but end with mockery and ridicule for these stupid worthless motherfuckers.


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