Tuesday, February 12, 2008

What Now?

I have to wonder what to do now in terms of my dating life. Being a bachelor has certain advantages but being alone isn't one of them.

I don't know why things just don't work out for me except as I pointed out in a previous post, I have a tendency to lay some heavy truth on chicks, and they can't take it. My situation with Greta is a classic example. Before her, it was a suicidally depressed chick. Before her, an alcoholic. And so it goes. . .

People tell me I should find a decent girl. Greta was a decent girl, but she will drive any man into financial straits in time. So, what's a guy to do? Are women just by and large fucked up? Or is it just the ones that end up with me?

Jumping out and dating someone new doesn't really appeal to me right now. I am pretty much disgusted by the whole relationship thing. I said Greta would be my last, and she probably will. I am kidding myself on this shit.

I am tired of girlfriends. I am tired of their shit. I am tired of getting dumped. I am tired of having to dump them when they can't get their shit together. And I am tired of them not wanting a damn thing to do with me but still wanting my money. Blows my fucking mind.

I am so fucking tired of this endless bullshit. Why can't I find someone I can get along with? Why do these chicks have to be so stupid and stubborn?

I don't know what to do now. I know I will fuck. That is a given. Beyond that, I think I'll pass. I always felt that my problem was not being able to find the right woman when my problem is really that I can't embrace this bachelor lifestyle and learn to like it.

There are always other women. The most rational thing to do is fuck them and forget them. They aren't worth the misery of a relationship. They certainly aren't worth the inevitable pain and grief that comes later. My problems with women usually begin the moment I try to appreciate them as human beings. What a joke.

I don't know what now. I just don't know.


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