Wednesday, August 24, 2011

TRUE SHIT-The Tragic Life of Alan Turing

Alan Turing was a man ahead of his time. He was also a man too good for his time. They did not deserve his genius.

Turing was born in 1912 in London, England. He showed an amazing facility with mathematics and science and would do important work in that area. His influence on cryptography and computer science is incalculable. Turing's greatest contribution during his lifetime was to crack the Enigma code the Germans used during World War II. He would become an important part of the national defense and intelligence community until his security clearances were revoked.

Turing's life turned tragic when it was revealed after a 1952 break in that Turing was a homosexual after he reported that a former lover may have been responsible for the crime. Being homosexual in England at that time was illegal, and Turing was arrested and put on trial. To keep from going to jail, Turing submitted to estrogen treatments to cure his homosexuality. This estrogen was supposed to dampen Turing's sex drive. Instead, the man grew breasts. Turing would later go on to commit suicide by eating a cyanide laced apple. This has spawned many conspiracy theories about his death. Was it suicide or assassination? The world will probably never know.

When you consider the profound influence Turing had on the world, you are left stunned and amazed that such a brilliant man could be destroyed by such a world of imbeciles.


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