Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Clean and jerk training: 30's

LC 2x20kg: 5
LC 2x24kg: 3
LC 2x28kg: 3
LC 2x30kg: 3, 9,7,5,3,3 (to vol 30reps)

Farm walk 2x40kg: 1min

Push-ups: 3x 10reps
Biceps curl - bar: 12kgx10, 24kgx10,28kgx6reps


Reflection 1.: In the real world, my 30kg bells are 2kg lighter than my 32kg bells. In my experienced world, they feel as of the same weight.
Reflection 2.: My previous thinking of 60 long cycle reps with 28kgs as an average workload per session is erraneous. Wrong. It's too much volume. I can do it sometimes with short sets (eg. rtk-style 2,4,6). But say, 6x 10reps is too much for me.
Reflection 3.: The below video is nice. As often with kettlebell lifting,  it's nothing new but one always needs being reminded of technique points like those demonstrated. At least I do.


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