Tuesday, May 27, 2008

New Sports Law Scholarship

Recently published scholarship, including a symposium on Title IX:

Omar Hafez Ayad, Note, Take the training wheels off the league: Major League Soccer’s dysfunctional relationship with the international soccer transfer system, 10 VANDERBILT JOURNAL OF ENTERTAINMENT & TECHNOLOGY LAW 413 (2008)

Sen. Birch Bayh, Personal insights and experiences regarding the passage of Title IX, 55 CLEVELAND STATE LAW REVIEW 463 (2007)

Deborah L. Brake, Title IX as pragmatic feminism, 55 CLEVELAND STATE LAW REVIEW 513 (2007)

Tim Bezbatchenko, Comment, Bend it for Beckham: a look at Major League Soccer and its single entity defense to antitrust liability after the Designated Player Rule, 76 UNIVERSITY OF CINCINNATI LAW REVIEW 611 (2008)

Linda Jean Carpenter & R. Vivian Acosta, Title IX--two for one: a starter kit of the law and a snapshot of Title IX’s impact, 55 CLEVELAND STATE LAW REVIEW 503 (2007).

John DiMascio, Note, The “jock tax”: fair play or unsportsmanlike conduct, 68 UNIVERSITY OF PITTSBURGH LAW REVIEW 953 (2007)

Marcia D. Greenberger & Neena K. Chaudhry, Worth fighting for: thirty-five years of Title IX advocacy in the courts, Congress and the federal agencies, 55 CLEVELAND STATE LAW REVIEW 491 (2007)

Bernice Resnick Sandler, Title IX: how we got it and what a difference it made, 55 CLEVELAND STATE LAW REVIEW 473 (2007)