Monday, May 19, 2008

Garth Gets Crystalized

If your a music artist, you may get a gold record, if your a good artist you may go Platinum, if your a great artist you may go Multi Platinum and if your a Legend you will receive a Diamond award.

When your name is Garth Brooks, they have to invent a whole new award for you.

You see nothing had existed that complements Garth's career, so they had to come up with a whole new award that justifys his greatness.

The crystal Award.

Garth Brooks is the only music artist in HISTORY to have had six albums reach Diamond status in the USA, thus creating a Crystal.

An Honor well deserved, very rarely an artist comes around who not only has artistic metric in his music ability but also commercial success and for that artist to be a humble down to earth country artist makes this achievement even more memorable.

Over 19 years he has had a body of work that has touched and entertained people from all works of life, and now as he goes back into retirement he can look back on a career that may never been match.

There also is a nice bit of crystal on his mantelpiece.

Well Done Garth


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