Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Why This Blog Exists and Other Stuff

I believe that everything has a purpose, and in my life, everything I say or do has as the ultimate goal the fulfillment of my happiness. Why do I blog? The short answer is because it makes me happy. But you will want the long answer, so here it is.

My blog is an act of defiance. If there is one theme running throughout it, it is an assault on all of the things I can't stand--shithead politicians, fuckhead religionists, personal enemies, and Jeff Gordon. It is my outlet to be radically honest about the things that make my blood boil.

The problem that I run into is that this blog can be a bit unbalanced in this regard. Aside from bits of humor, my blog is relentlessly negative. I don't think I have ever had a good thing to say about anybody or anything since I started this project. I intend to change this. Aristotle said that virtue lies in the midpoint between excess and deficiency. I think this blog has been deficient in the positive information column. So, I'll try and remedy this by going in the other direction.

Here are a few items in this direction:

1. I work with some great people.

I never talk about my job on this blog because I have no interest in getting fired. But the truth is that I don't have issues with my employer or my fellow employees. I know this sounds hard to believe, but it is true. I enjoy going to work every single day. My job is the most important thing in my life, and I work with a swell bunch of folks.

2. I love my ex-girlfriend.

All things considered, the only mean thing my ex ever did to me was dump me. Since then, I have scorched the earth in my hatred and anger towards her. They say there is a fine line between love and hate, and I believe it. I still hate her for dumping me, but that's because I never wanted it to end. I wish she was still my girlfriend. She was the best.

3. I enjoy life.

Despite the scrapes I get into and the graduated income tax, I enjoy my life. This was not always the case. People tell me I am full of shit all the time. I have heard it so much that I have to stop and wonder if it is true. But I'm not a liar. I like weird bits of trivia that sound strange but are totally true. These are the things that my friends know as TRUE SHIT. My libertarian politics can sound utopian, but history shows that freedom leads to flourishing and prosperity. I am an absolute skeptic on all things religious and supernatural. So, where does the bullshit charge come from?

People don't believe me when I say that I am happy. Trust me, it took me my whole life to get to this point. And I'm not rich or successful or full of myself either. I genuinely enjoy my life. I am the happiest person I know. I still get upset from time to time like when my girlfriend dumps me. But I do enjoy living. This is the topic I should probably write on the most, but it is the truth. The sad thing is that people don't believe it when I say that they can be happy, too. I think this is why everyone says I am full of shit. They don't believe in happiness.

4. You can make it as an entrepreneur.

The odds of starting a successful business are slim. 95% of all businesses fail within five years. You have better odds with blackjack. But there is a key difference between blackjack and business. In blackjack, when you lose, you lose everything. This is not true in business. I know a rich man who got sick of his underperforming business and sold it. But he's still rich. Likewise, you will not leave the entrepreneurship table penniless. You really have to rack up some huge debts to leave completely in the hole.

To me, the two big mistakes entrepreneurs make are to enter into partnerships or borrow from somewhere to make up for a lack of capital. Right now, I have a ton of ideas, and I am tempted to take the shortcut that debt and partnership might offer. But I would rather do it the long way by accumulating and investing my own capital. The whole point of starting a business is to have control over your own destiny. If your partners or your creditors are the ones in control, you're not an entrepreneur. You're just another employee.

I believe there are substantial risks in entrepreneurship, but they come with substantial rewards. Plus, there are risks working for someone else. As my brother likes to say, I've never fired myself. I suspect that there is no way to escape business risk. But I'll elaborate on this later. The bottom line is that you can make it in business. I believe it.

There will be more positive content in the future. Stay tuned. . .


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