Tuesday, November 22, 2011


1. Watching the Republican debate. They keep pitting Romney against Paul. Interesting.

2. This song is stuck in my head:

3. Someone needs to break some ass at Breaking Dawn. Those teenage girls need to feel the wrath of a deviled egg fart.

4. Romney keeps taking Obama out of context with the lazy American thing. The funny thing is that I know Mitt is doing this, and I still don't give a shit. Fuck the O-Man.

5. One day, the Onion will start publishing real news, but no one will be able to tell the difference.

6. I need to upgrade to Windows 7 to avoid getting stuck with Windows 8. I stuck with XP to avoid Vista. Or, I could get smart and go with a Mac.

7. Ass:

8. I'm glad Tony Stewart won the championship. Evil trumps good.

9. I bought a Gerber multitool today. This ranks up there with the blow up doll as an amazing purchase.

10. Country:


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