Thursday, November 17, 2011


1. I have a new Jack Bass story. Read it here.

2. Be sure to check out artwork from Malnic, a C-blog reader and contributor.

3. I am not an artist myself, but I pretend to be. Some people say that I also pretend to be a writer.

4. Today is the Great American Smokeout. By this evening, you will hear the Great American Cussout. Tomorrow, cigarettes will be ablaze again.

5. I have an acute gun fetish.

6. Tea Partiers smell much better than Occupiers. Plus, Tea Partiers leave a tip for the waitress at IHOP. Occupiers eat, refuse to pay, and piss on the floor. Then, they burn the place down.

7. Readers have lamented the demise of the Shared Items feature from Google Reader. I was not aware how many people actually followed my postings there. The most liked items were minimalist pictures. I got most of them from here.

8. Ron Paul has pulled even with the GOP frontrunners in polling. The cool thing about Ron Paul numbers is that they are solid. Ron Paul people stick.

9. I also have a high heel fetish.

10. Country:


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