Monday, November 21, 2011


I am ashamed to admit it, but I broke down and went back to Netflix. It was worth it because I watched a movie, a documentary, and five episodes of The Walking Dead. It was sweet.

I wonder what other things I will break down on. I know at some point some chick is going to get me. I deal with a horny Australian cougar on Facebook all the time, but the separation of oceans and continents keeps me safe. I can keep myself from going on the hunt, but I can't do anything about the sexually aggressive female.

The other flak I am getting has to do with Thanksgiving. I will spend it alone this year, and I am fine with it. Other people do the sympathy thing and feel sorry for me. It bothers them more than it bothers me. Christmas will be the same deal. I figure if I am alone on those days I might as well work and get paid for it.

If I stay busy, I never notice that I am alone. I just need to always be doing, and it won't bother me. People are probably mystified that a guy like me ends up being alone so much. But I have learned that when you let people in to your inner circle, they are only going to fuck you over. I don't wait for the fuck over anymore. I've resigned myself to the fact that this is the way people are.

Two days out of the year suck to be alone. The rest of the year is perfectly fine with me. I think 2 for 363 is a fair deal.


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