Saturday, October 15, 2011

Random Thoughts on Various Subjects


I have been reading up on this continuing story, and I just don't buy it. Either Iran is the dumbest regime on the planet or the Obama administration is so desperate that it is now turning to false flag tactics to divert attention away from the truth and pursue a war with Iran. Basically, if you want to start a war between two countries, you merely need to find one of their undercover informants and tell him that you want to pay them to kill a government official. THAT'S IT. You don't even need to be affiliated with any of the governments. The politicians will do the rest as they take your ounce of bullshit and turn it into a ton of propaganda and excuse to follow the path they always wanted to take.

The libertarian/antiwar folks are all over this one. It is such blatant falsehood that when I first read about it I smelled a rat. And what is the purpose of this garbage? Help Israel. Get the Saudis to like us even more. Ratchet up the sanctions on Iran. Pursue the Mexican cartels with even more force. It is a sad sick joke the tomfuckery government people will go to in order to justify really bad policies. Meanwhile, the same government was quite happy with the Mexican cartels getting military grade weaponry. It is simply mind boggling.


This movement is so fucking ridiculous. I appreciate their anger, but these folks are clearly a bunch of whiny ass losers looking for their bit of welfare. In short, they are little pigs who came to the trough and are now angry at the big pigs for eating more of the slop. This spontaneous movement has spawned a countermovement on the internet of people ridiculing the 99%. The 53% are the ones who pay federal income tax, and they have started posting their own stories telling these 99% people to suck it up.

My own view of these people is that they are victims of government run amuck. To that extent, they get my sympathy. When I read about an engineering graduate who can't get a job and has six figure student loan debt, I am not happy about that. When I see a higher ed system addicted to student loans and ever increasing tuition, I think the system is broken. The answer is to end government funding of higher education. This will pop the bubble and return sanity to the system. But the Occupiers don't see it this way. They want debt forgiveness, a guaranteed job, and a $20 an hour minimum wage. In short, they want a Marxist revolution. Nevermind that these free lunches do not exist.

As things get worse and their numbers grow, the Occupiers will turn violent. There is no such thing as a peaceful Marxist. Tea Parties were peaceful things despite flags of rattlesnakes and people carrying guns on their hips. The reason Tea Parties are peaceful is philosophical. It goes back to the principles of a movement. Tea Party people are sick and tired of being victims of a government that steals from them. Occupiers are pathetic brats that want the government to steal from somebody. This desire for things that do not belong to them will lead to the sort of unrest you see at the WTO riots, Greece, and the UK. You are going to see stores looted, burning cars, and all the rest.

Occupiers are morally depraved. You are seeing a generation of worthless fucks playing the passive-aggressive game of victimhood and power. First, they snivel and whine. Then, they loot, pillage, and destroy.

For years, I have wondered why the American Revolution was so much different than the French Revolution. I see why now. It goes back to philosophy. The Americans wanted to keep what belonged to them. The French wanted to take what did not belong to them. That is a crucial distinction.


Intelligent people of a certain age accept that monogamy is a myth. I know that I do. As such, marriage for me is a fucking joke. I am not going to make an oath to a person who is almost certain to break that oath. Yet, the thing that gets to me is when those same intelligent people write hip articles about open marriages, polyamory, and swinging as if marriage can somehow evolve to embrace the reality that humans are fuck machines. This is incredibly stupid.

Marriage persists for no other reason than for worthless woman to get money out of a man. These intellicunts are not fooling me. Here's the deal. Marriage is over with. It isn't evolving. It is dying. And it needs to die.


I have resigned myself to the fact that Ron Paul is not going to win the GOP nomination. Republicans will turn to just about anyone except Ron Paul to lead them forward. This would include a Mormon Democrat from Massachussetts. I am at the point now where I am going to vote for Ron Paul in the GOP primary, watch him lose, and resolve to never vote again.


Obama's election strategy going forward is almost certainly going to be class warfare rhetoric and blaming Bush AGAIN for policies that Obama has carried forward. The American public is stupid, but even they are not that stupid. A better strategy to win is to split the vote with a third party candidate who could garner a lot of votes that would hurt the GOP but leave the Democrats untouched. This person has to be rich, famous, narcissistic, and stupid. Plus, he needs to have zero chance of winning. He merely needs to be goaded into the quixotic pursuit. Who would this person be?


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