Thursday, October 20, 2011


1. I read an article in Men's Journal today about Rick Rubin, the famed producer who gave us the Beastie Boys, the best work of Johnny Cash's late career, a less suck ass Metallica, and the classic Slayer album Reign in Blood. Rick has slimmed down considerably with an exercise regimen and a change in diet. The beard remains, but the gut is gone. The interesting thing was that Rick was a vegan for many years, and he was still fat. Now, he eats more protein. Those facts indicate to me that the paleo people may be on to something. I might need to read that Gary Taubes book.

2. "Raining Blood":

3. Tori Amos version:

4. My greatest ambition as a blogger is to get linked by Instapundit resulting in an Instalanche. I've already been linked by Leo Babauta, but that was ho-hum. Instapundit is the big time. But Glenn Reynolds never reads my shit.

5. I have really low expectations for Libya with Qaddafi gone. The upside of that man's death is that reporters and editors the world over will no longer have to agonize over how to spell that motherfucker's name.

6. Alabama ran off their illegal Mexican labor. Now, work isn't getting done because Americans are too lazy to do it. Way to go, Alabama. Stupid fuckers.

7. Researchers say that teen IQ fluctuates over time. No shit. It often fluctuates by the hour depending on what is on TV and how much weed they have smoked.

8. Regardless of IQ, the bulk of those smart teenagers will go on to be unemployed debt burdened twentysomething losers.

9. Google is going to nix the Shared Items feature on Google Reader to force people to use Google+. This sucks. Those who have enjoyed my porn pic selections will be devastated.

10. Ron Paul needs to run as an independent and a spoiler if the GOP fails to nominate him. I just know that I am almost done as a voter. I can't vote for Romney. The taste of vomit in the back of my throat is more than I can bear. The 2012 election should come with barf bags at the polls.


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