Sunday, April 24, 2011

[U.] Planet X. Plus, a Special Easter Message from the U-Man

the u-man is here in the HOUSE. prepare for a TRUTH TRANSMISSION!!!

the media does not touch this SHIT. why? because they are DUM. they are also in on the SECRETS. but the u-man EXPOSES all of it for you. i do this because i care. the c-man wants you to be HAPPY and not pay taxes and smoke DOPE and fuck animals and all that other HIPPY shit government haters like. but NONE of it matters in an APOKALYPSSE. can you smoke dope with your ASS in flames? no, because it is YOUR ASS that is smoking. the planet is headed for an UPHEVAL. planet x, BITCHES!!! it is coming.

part 1

part 2

part 3

part 4

part 5

it is EASTER bitches. this means you need to get your asses to CHURCH. jesus rose from the DEAD. it is TRUE. fuck ATHEISM. the c-man is going to hell to suck satan's slimy DICK. FOREVER!!!! praise jesus.


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