Sunday, April 24, 2011


1. Spent Easter doing what atheists do on Easter--cleaning house.

2. Trump has a dust up with Seinfeld and says Jerry owes the Donald big time for appearing on that shit awful show called The Marriage Ref. For once, I am in agreement with Trump.

3. I don't want to burn a Koran, but I would wipe my ass with one if I ran out of toilet paper.

4. I would also wipe my ass with Donald Trump's hair.

5. Some guy defriended me on Facebook because of my taste in "negro" music. True shit.

6. Atlas Shrugged is now in box office oblivion as I expected. I don't see them making back that $10 million. No Galt's Gulch. No epic speech. Personally, I always liked Howard Roark better:


I discovered this awesome blog today. The chick's name is Robin Cangie, and she covers a lot of the same subjects I cover here. I don't agree with her on everything, but I like what she does and encourage you to check her out.

Robin Cangie

39. Nothing produces results as much as taking action.

41 Things I've Learned By 40


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