Tuesday, April 19, 2011


1. They are moving Bradley Manning to Leavenworth. This is an "upgrade." No word if he gets to wear clothing again.

2. Donald Trump wants Obama's birth certificate. Obama wants to see the Trump haystack in a strong wind.

3. McDonald's is hiring, and people want jobs. A sad commentary on Obamanomics.

4. Obama blames speculators for high gas prices. Nevermind that tomfuckery in Libya.

5. Obama jokes that he is rethinking tax breaks for the rich after filing his 2010 tax returns. For some reason, everyone forgot to laugh.

6. NEWSFLASH FOR THE U-FANS: JFK asked for UFO files 10 days before he was assassinated. Not sure how the U-man will weave this new info into his Marilyn Monroe was murdered by Jack and Bobby conspiracy theories, and the assassination was a mob hit. Or maybe it was the military-industrial complex that did it. Or maybe Castro. . .


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