Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I am late with my weekly SOC post. The beauty of it is that I don't have to think about it before I write it. I just sit down and start writing whatever is in my head. I just farted.

Last night, the Emperor told us of how he needed to intervene in Libya. He didn't explain why he didn't need Congressional authority for this. This guy won the Nobel Peace Prize. I wrote this on Facebook:

It is amazing to me to watch as leftards lick Obama's ass and eat the corn out of his shit over this Libya intervention while shitting all over Dennis Kucinich for his principled opposition. Sickening.

This was in response to reading numerous praising comments from Obama supporters. These people also bashed on GWB in their comments while praising the Emperor. It is fucking amazing. It blows my mind that people can be such clueless fucktards. Even neocon fasctard fucks agree that Obama needed Congressional approval for his actions in Libya. Dennis Kucinich is now hated by the leftards because he opposed Obama on this. How can people be so unprincipled? Do they believe in anything?

It is obvious to me that these Obama supporters are like the wider public believing in nothing and supporting politicians and parties the same way you root for a football team. It doesn't matter what the team does. The only thing that matters is that it is your team, and they are winning. Nevermind that Obama has now done exactly what Bush did.

I have read the text of Obama's speech, and it is his attempt to put the shine on shit. Meanwhile, we have similar things happening in Syria and Bahrain. Nothing happens there. Why? No fucking oil in those countries.

The American public are gullible as fuck. Let them lick the ass of their new emperor. I won't do it.


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