Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Snatch & Outside Swings

Snatch 12kg, 20kg: 5/5 each
Snatch 24kg: 5/5, 43/43
Outside swings 2x20kg: 5x 10reps
BU-cleans 20kg: 1min/1min
Farm walk 2x40kg: 1min (stricter posture)

Snatches, still a little awkward at left side, but no really crazy moves.
Ever since I saw Johann Martin last year in Hamburg, outside swings have returned to my mind every now and then. I tried them for a while last summer but they were not very fantastic :-). I had problems of understanding where to get the power for getting the bells up. Today, I decided to give it a try again. Went for lighter bells, 2x20kg. It felt natural as the bells floated up to the face-level. The lift taxed mostly cardio, but afterward back of shoulder started to cramp lightly. Will do this from time to time. Next level is to do it with one foot in front of the other, Martin-style.

Here is a good outside swings-video by Mike Mahler that someone posted at the bad place:


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