Saturday, January 22, 2011

Random Thoughts on Various Subjects


Keith is leaving MSNBC. Before I begin with this, there is something I need to get out of the way. I think KO is a colossal ass clown. Of course, I think the same thing of Bill O'Reilly as well. Both men despite their respective positions on the political spectrum, have repeatedly twisted facts in their reporting and commentary that makes me utterly despise them. They are more committed to partisanship instead of principle. I used to like listening to KO when he would ream Bush's ass over the war. Now, I don't hear KO issue the same vitriol when it comes to Obama's policies which are identical to those of Bush.

Where will Olbermann go from here? I suspect CNN might want him. Or, he might do a disappearing act. But I suspect he will go to CNN. NBC pretty much fucked themselves with that bullshit about the campaign contributions. Believe it or not, a lot of libertarians and conservatives were on his side on that one.

The one person that will get hurt on this will be Rachel Maddow who enjoyed Keith's lead in each night. Now, she will either move up the chain and compete with the big boys. Or, she will fade like a fart in a hurricane. Probably the latter. The irony is that MSNBC might go after Beck, and she would have to go on after that big crybaby.

I want to find something good to say about KO, but I can't. I liked him at ESPN. Keith and Dan Patrick was something great. I still like Dan Patrick.

CNN will get KO. I just feel it coming.


It is obvious now that Israel was behind the Stuxnet worm that has decimated Iran's nuclear capability. I have a lot of differing thoughts on that one, but the one I find the most troubling is that governments have these cyberweapons at their disposal and can just fuck shit up like that. Iran not being as sophisticated will probably hire their own hackers and craft cyberweapons to strike back. They won't be as elegant as Stuxnet and will probably decimate civilian computer systems and fuck us all. As Yoda would put it, "Begun, this cyberwar has."


Is Google the next Microsoft? It is clear that they don't want to be. With Larry Page at the helm, Google is striving to be more like Apple. The one thing that both Google and Microsoft have in common is an assclown at the wheel. Google has corrected this. I don't know what Sergey will do. He will probably become the Woz of Google while Page becomes the Jobs.

It is obvious to me that leadership makes a difference at companies. Good leadership can make you, and bad leadership can break you. And a leader always emerges for good or ill. Page is stepping up to the plate. We will see if he knocks a homer.


I can only speculate, but I think Jobs has cancer. I think his pancreatic cancer spread to his original liver. They removed it and gave him a transplant. Now, the cancer is back. But I'm not a doctor, and I'm certainly not his doctor. But the fact that Jobs has been so secretive about this tells me that something is up. I also suspect some medical ethics were violated in getting him that liver. I doubt he was the most deserving candidate from a medical viewpoint, but money talks.

Apple will die without Jobs. That is simply the truth of it. Leadership matters. A new leader will emerge, and he will be a dickhead.


Larry King is out. Piers Morgan is in. IMHO, an improvement. Personally, I would prefer a real interviewer in that timeslot like Charlie Rose or Terry Gross from Fresh Air. But cable news is not about quality. It is about making headlines and getting ratings. I wouldn't expect much braininess from this show. I do have a tip for Piers--EYE CANDY. Put some babes out there. Just saying. . .


I have been back and forth on this chick. I liked her at first because she was from Alaska and represented the viewpoints and sensibility of Americans that aren't seen or heard much on television or in political discourse. But then I realized just how stupid those Americans are when she calls for shit like gunning down Julian Assange. But I also think she has been unfairly demonized for the actions of Jared Lee Loughner. OTOH, she did called for Assange to be gunned down. Then, her reaction to the tragedy in Tuscon shows exactly what such a lightweight she is.

Palin needs to go. She needs to go away and go back to Alaska and get fat and watch Oprah. She is becoming the Joan Rivers of politicians. There is no fucking way she could ever be president. I won't vote for her. She is George Bush in a skirt except dumber.

Celebrity is not leadership.


I have been reading up on the Paleo diet. I think it is a fad along with raw foodism, Atkins, veganism, and all the rest. The more I read the more convinced I become that people just need a balanced diet with a cutback on processed sugar and fat. Whenever some diet comes along that tells you to eliminate entire food groups, I think it is just bullshit.

I will have more on this topic in a future post.


Leftards were all antiwar when Bush was POTUS. Now, that Obama is in charge, all you hear on this issue from those fuckers is deafening silence. Ironic, eh? But what do you expect? They are without principle. As long as their guy is in the White House, they could give a shit about policy.

The libertarians are still there. We don't change. We criticize Obama as much as we criticized Bush. That is because libertarians are not partisan. They are principled.

The wars will not end until the USA is bankrupted to the last penny. The stupid American people are getting what they want, and they will get what they deserve.


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