Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Has Everett Bogue Lost His Mind?

Fuck Minimalism

I don't consider myself a minimalist anymore, because being a minimalist isn't a thing to be anymore -- it's an idea that came and passed. Minimalism was cool for awhile. Now, it's simply the echo of a revolution that once was.

I'm not sure what to make of this. I don't know if this guy is pulling a joke or if this is some new clever marketing gimmick. But if he is sincere with this, I have to wonder what changed for him. My personal belief is that Bogue is an opportunist who sees the opportunity now fading.

For what it is worth, I haven't changed. I still live the same way and will continue this way. I think Everett suspects that his extreme lifestyle has become a bit farcical. He will probably go try and buy a new McMansion.

I still think simplicity is the way to go and the way to live. No matter what the economy does or if I win the lottery, I am still going to remain with my simple lifestyle. I have always lived this way and always will. The things that bring me the greatest pleasure are affordable and easy to obtain.

Bogue was into the minimalist fad. I can only hope there are those like myself that are true believers.

UPDATE: I have been perusing the interwebs, and I am surprised at how other people's thinking about minimalism is almost identical to the same thoughts I have been having on it lately. Basically, I am of the opinion that minimalism of the Everett Bogue variety is just extreme, and I prefer simple living. Here are some various links:



Could We Be Done With Minimalism?

It’s Still Cool to Be a Minimalist: Everett Bogue Moved on But You Don’t Have To

Of Cyborgs and Amish


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