Monday, April 19, 2010

The Martin Johann video: German kettlebell site & history

Since last 24hours everybody is talking about it - the video with kettelbell lifter Martin Johann (LINK).
Besides the impressive feats, I think that the interest is also spurred by the fact that the video seems like a slight anachronism. Here is a gentleman in Germany that juggles, stack presses, and TGUs Russian competition kettlebells in 1990. The setting is mostly ordinary weight lifting gyms. At least I, did not know that people trained with kettlebells in Western Europe at that time.

I had to ask German kettlebell sport lifter Daniel (Krafttrainingundkettlebell); he kindly gave me a link to this site:
(Google translate seems to work well with German).

The site does not tell more about Martin Johann, but it contains a nice historic resume of kettlebell lifting in general and in Germany. Moreover, there are some interesting kettlebell pictures (though some weights appear to have been used also as grain scale weights).

And, from another site (LINK):

The name of the game, Daniel mentioned, was "Rundgewichtsriege." I googeled it quickly, and seemingly several sport clubs has such photographies from their archives published on their web sites.


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