Monday, December 10, 2012

The Standard has no Standards

(Update 2: Yes as pointed out 
by a delightful fella, the post I found
was not the one where the poster said
F off, but the one where the poster
said P off, I got my swear word wrong)

(Update: over a 15 hour period I
got verbally attacked and called a
liar for pointing out that a blogger 
from another blog had told people to P off in the comment
section of her blog. The writers said
I was making it up, well I found one of the
offending post, and posted it at the standard,
did they have integrity  to say sorry, of course
not, they just continued along their merry way,
I cannot respect any adult who doesn't have the
courage to admit that they're wrong, these
guys will make perfect Labour party politicians)

The far left blog, the Standard is trying
every little trick in  the book to hurt The

For some bizarre reason, they think
if this movie is not as successful as
people had hope, then it will look
real bad on New Zealand Prime Minister,
John Key, and will be a victory for the Unions.

My word of advice to them is...


If it's successful critically, and commercially
it will be because of the hard work and passion
of all those that were in it and involved in it.

I for one, hope it does well, it looks visually beautiful,
and has a great cast, and for three hours you can get
taken to the world of Tolkien as imagined by the great,
Sir Peter Jackson.

Cant wait to see it, and I hope people, regardless of
their political ideology will go see it, because this
movie deserves to be seen.

As for the members of The Standard,  well perhaps
one day you can get your imagination and youth back.

I anit holding my breath though.


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