Tuesday, December 18, 2012

[SOC] System Thinking, Personal Responsibility, Patience

The recent tragedy has been on my mind a bit lately but not as much as when the tragedy in Aurora happened. I worry that I am becoming desensitized to these things because of their frequency, but that isn't it at all. The reality is that my worldview has changed, and I now firmly believe now what I was merely reading about when Aurora happened. It is the simple fact that some people are just evil. Evil exists in the world.

Prior to my conversion, I believed most evil was merely the product of economics and politics. Yes, that seems absurd, but it is no more absurd than the nonsense being spouted today to explain and remedy the recent mass shooting. Basically, I call this "system" thinking. It goes like this. If you fix the system, you will fix what is wrong with humanity. This is very much the thinking of many in the political realm including libertarians. Only Burkeans and the religious know better.

Society is disordered because people are disordered. That is all there is to it. If you want to fix society, you have to fix people, and there is no system that is going to do that. We can blame guns, games, media, and all the rest, but if there is any greater cause for such mayhem, it would be the abdication of personal responsibility in society. So, here it is. You are responsible for your actions. We can blame it on mental illness or whatever, but you are responsible for the things you do.

Adam Lanza is responsible for the tragedy in Connecticut. He did it, and he will answer for it before Almighty God. And for those who embrace the universalist heresy, you gotta be kidding me. Hell is for the damned, and God would be unjust if He did not reserve Hell for the monsters of humanity. God is both merciful and just. Our only response should be patience.

Patience is something I am learning these days. Christians can neither be wrathful nor stoic. To be wrathful is to indicate a lack of faith in God. To be stoic is to become indifferent to the evil and suffering in the world. I can't be either one of these things. So, I offer up my righteous anger to the Lord, and I let Him take care of it. It is right and just to be angry over what Adam Lanza did, and he killed himself thinking he would escape any accountability for his crimes. But no one gets away with it. And to believe otherwise is to become like Adam Lanza.

It is hard to be patient. It is so hard that I don't think a mere human can do it. It takes grace. We must refrain from revenge and allow God's justice to work in His time. We watch, and we wait.


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