Thursday, December 27, 2012

Box Breakers: Momentum Football 2012

Here is the final of the FOUR Christmas present breaks I got to do early! This was my first go at Momentum football. I was impressed by the cards...just not by who and what I got for the price you pay. Here is the gallery of a box break!

4 rookie autos..the best being Fletcher Cox # to 25
Anything with Russell Wilson on it works
The Keyshawn Johnson is a patch
Blue parallel. But wanted to show the base design as well.
Third Ryan Broyles auto pull for me this year!! Hope he turns out to be like Calvin Johnson
Didn't think I even came close to getting my money back on this break. I do like the design of the cards and the thickness of these are like no other.I have been wanting to give this product a try because of its design and hit possibilities. It may not show in my box but there are some great pulls to be found in this product. Had to rate this break a little low for cost vs return.

I rate this break a:


Overall I got some great boxes for Christmas. I didn't mind opening them really early.  Here is what the four were again,  Momentum, Crown Royal, Rookies and Stars, and Totally Certified if you missed any of them just go to the Box Breakers tab at the top of the blog. I enjoyed the products and they were fun breaks. Wished and hoped I could have done a lot better. But hey, it just was my luck lol. Maybe next year. 

Now that you have seen all of them what were your thoughts on how I did? 


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