Wednesday, December 19, 2012

My Big Ole Surprise Epic Mail Day-TTM

It was a usual day...I went to go get the mail looking for Christmas cards but to my surprise none were found. However this envelope with my handwriting with my signature S.A.S.E.was there.

I thought to myself..I don't remember when I had last sent out a player request. It had been at least a few years. I had given up on doing them since I had only 11 returned out of 40 or so. The odds seemed against me. The one thing I never really did was target star players. Because with star players they won't get back to you. But I took a swing a couple of times. Seems like this is probably the one and only time it worked.

Well, I got to the car and ripped open the envelope and found this:

I was pretty excited to say the least. I have landed people like Roy Williams WR and Michael Turner but this guy was huge. Most of the time I got people who no one has heard of. I guess patience and trying pays off in the long run.


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