(Update, let me add Scott has taken some grief by
customers at matty collector, but he's always been
polite to my questions)
Scott Neiltich has answered the questions that people
wanted answered.
The question was...
"If they could make a board 23 years ago with a lenticular surface,
how come Mattel couldn't do one in 2012?
His Answer.
"Because the boards made "23 years ago" were expensive
hand made props. The 2012 mass produced manufactured
toy needed to come in at 120.
Adding a lenticular would have skyrocketed the price. Lenticulars
are large extremely expensive. We did look into it and could
not find a way to make it work and still deliver an affordable
Making this comparison is honestly not fair. You are comparing
a hand made film prop with a high budget to a mass produced
toy for 120/130. It is not apples to apples at all."
So there ya have it, fans of the Hoverboard were getting
confuse with a prop replica with a hand made film prop.
We will know next time.
Scott Neiltich also said the Hoverboard was a success and
a near sellout, but it appears there wont be a year two, and
it will be a one off.
So Hoverboard fans, we still have some Time to wait
to get a real hand made film prop that is the Hoverboard.
It would appear an even longer wait FOR A REAL
Time will tell.
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