Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Box Breakers: 1 Rack Pack of Topps Football 2012 With some LUCK

My Mother in Law is pretty awesome! Hate to brag..but I have too. Everytime she goes and takes a trip to Walmart or other shops she stops by the card section to make sure her favorite Son in Law gets a little something. Its different every time in what she gets and how much...this time it was a rack pack of Topps Football 2012. I don't argue with her on what she chooses...I just open whatever she brings.

Here was my results..pretty awesome!

Base Card

Other Rookies and stack of base cards with some star players

David Wilson..pretty stoked on that and Weedon and Sanu who killed my Giants

Here is my first Luck from Topps..gotta take any of him you can!

4 inserts total.

And a auto card numbered to 100. Now he is not a star per say but odds of hitting it is 1:720 so not going to argue.
I would rate this break an easy...



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