Wednesday, June 22, 2011

PRICKS--Keith Olbermann

For those familiar with my series on Heroes, Villains, and Pricks, this bit of info will be a repeat. For those new to this series, a prick is someone who is almost a hero but disgraces himself in such a way that he falls short of the mark. A prick is someone not quite bad enough to be a villain but not good enough to be a hero either. Keith Olbermann is a prick.

As I write this, Keith Olbermann is starting his new gig on backwater cable network Current TV which is Al Gore's project. KO is a difficult person to work with. This is is why he got fired from MSNBC. He might try and claim principle and whatnot, but the guy was fired from ESPN as well. This has nothing to do with his politics but his asshole personality. He is the type of guy you want to take out back and kick the shit out of him. Keith has made a career out of this sort of thing.

The redeeming aspect of Keith Olbermann is the fact that he does have courage. He doesn't have brains or tact, but he does have the balls to say what he thinks and do things his way. As stupid as he is, the world needs people like Olbermann. They are the ones who tell it like it is when no one else will.

Of course, Keith is a leftard and a partisan. He did a good job excoriating Bush, but he just hasn't been there on Obama. He has also said some really dumb shit along the way. Like I said, the guy is a prick. But for a prick, I am glad he is on the air.


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