Saturday, September 25, 2010

Quotable Quotes

Taking a trip for six months, you get into the rhythm of it. It feels like you can just go on forever doing that. Climbing Everest is the ultimate and the opposite of that because you get all these high-powered plastic surgeons and CEOs, you know, who pay $80,000 and have sherpas who put all the ladders in place and 8,000 feet of fixed ropes…you get to a camp and you don’t even have to lay out your sleeping bag; it’s already laid out with a little chocolate mint on the top. And the whole purpose of climbing something like Everest is to effect some sort of spiritual and physical gain, but if you compromise the process, you’re an asshole when you start out and you’re an asshole when you get back.

Living simply is not about living in poverty or self-inflicted deprivation. It's about living an examined life where one has determined what is truly important and enough … and then just let go of all the rest.

Stop buying stupid stuff you don’t need. When you stop buying things, you need less income to survive. Most people are in debt because they spend a lot more than they need to.

No one can magically create a 25 hour day, and all the lifehacking in the world won’t stop the ticking of the clock. Minimalism gives us the advantage of being able to ruthlessly eliminate that which does not contribute to our lives in order to more effectively spend our time, the most finite resource of all.

Most people work just hard enough not to get fired and get paid just enough money not to quit.


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