Wednesday, March 24, 2010


1. The US and Russia reach a new nuclear arms pact. But that may just be the vodka talking.

2. Republicans in Congress and across America are doing their best to derail the new healthcare LAW (not bill, folks.) I appreciate the effort, but I think it would be better to stew in quiet anger until November.

3. Robert Culp is dead. He was that token white dude on I Spy.

4. Another Jesse James bimbo!

I am beginning to see a pattern here. Tiger got all the good looking chicks while Jesse got all the ones that look like the wall of a men's restroom.

5. Tiger at the Masters--a heckler's dream.

6. Marijuana legalization is on the ballot in Cali. Hide the Dorito's!!

7. "Tiger, who washes your balls these days?!"

8. I'm going to open up a private postal service that delivers only on Saturday. We will not deliver junk mail just Netflix DVD's.

9. Google gets the fuck out of China. Good move. The porn is better in Hong Kong.

10. "Yo, Tiger, how deep do you hit it?"


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