Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Reader Mail

I haven't received much mail lately except for offers of free Viagra and gay sex in my area along with various phishing scams. So, I only have this gem:

Dear friend of the mexicans,

After reading your blog about Bush injecting common sense into the immigration debate, I can assure you that most of the country disagrees with you. I lived and worked with those worthless people in Las Vegas for seven years and I can assure you, we will be fighting a civil war with these people soon enough. In the facility I worked in, they defacated on the bathroom floor no less than nine times(four times in the womens bathroom). If they didn't like a supervisor or the janitor, they would smear shit on the walls and wipe their ass and put the tissue in the wastebasket instead of flushing it.Twice, I contacted the ICE and they did nothing. Apparently, you are either hispanic, or you have never worked along side these morons so you obviously are ill-informed about the dangers of having them in our country.And the sad thing is that even the mexicans who have lived here for a long time are siding with their own kind. Blood is thicker than water. The only reason they are in our country is because the immigration agencies have not done their job. Either they have been told by the government not to enforce the law, or they are simply ignoring the problem. The ICE is ran by a hispanic and the border patrol is infiltrated with traitorous hispanics who take pay offs to let their brethren into the country. We will be fighting these people just as we fought the British, and like we did once before in our history, we will kick their asses all the way back down to Mexico where they belong and if you want to fight with them, you will have to go with them and live in Mexico where you belong.

Las Vegas, Nv.

Keep those e-letters coming. Your comments are appreciated.


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