Thursday, April 26, 2007

Time, Money, and Energy

Regular readers of the CBlog will notice that I am rather sporadic in my posting. You might go for a few days with no new content only to get a massive dump on a tuesday. And so it goes. . .

The reason my blog is like this is because my life is like this. I am always butting up against what I call the Limiting Factors which are time, money, and energy. To use the blog as a for instance, my main limiting factors are time and energy. It costs nothing to produce this thing in terms of money. But it does take time to write this bullshit. I usually have time after work, but I sometimes don't have the energy because I am tapped out for the day because I have worked too much or am suffering from one of the four to five colds I get every year. (Right now, I am sick which sucks balls in a major way.)

I remind myself that I have 24 hours in a day. This means there are 168 hours in a week. If we subtract the 8 hours of sleep recommended for each night and the 40 hours of work that is considered the norm, this leaves 72 hours of leisure time to dispose of as we please. That is a lot of time. That is 3 whole days. Where does that time go?

Right off the bat, we blow two days on that extravagance known as the weekend. That third day is sandwiched in between all the shit we do during the week like sitting in the car, shitting on the can, fucking, etc. The reality is that you can add an additional 40 hours of work each week and still have 32 hours to blow any way you want it. This means working Saturday and Sunday. Your evenings are free to do with as you please. (I got this from Gene Simmons who advised working a 7 day week and leaving your nights free for the women.)

There is plenty of time in your life. Anyone who says they don't have enough time to do everything is kidding themselves. Granted, you can't literally do everything, but you can do a whole lot more than what you are currently doing. So, what is holding us back? Lack of energy.

Energy is a limiting factor which means that not all hours are the same. For instance, I do my best creative work in the morning or after a nap. Non-mental stuff like taking out the trash I do in the evenings. I also do my reading in the evenings.

The best way to boost your energy is to be in shape. This means getting exercise. You don't need to go run marathons or anything to boost your energy. A daily 30-minute walk will do the same thing. In addition, I fuel up on large amounts of caffeine. And recently, I have found that you can gain additional energy by eating light. I always want to take a nap after a meal, so I've started skipping meals. I'm in no danger of malnourishment because I'm fat.

As for money, you either have it, or you don't. But if you work a lot and pay yourself first, you'll have money. Winning the lottery would help expand my ability to accomplish certain projects, but it wouldn't change what I want to do with my life.

I don't know which limiting factor is the one that hinders me the most, but I suspect it is simply lack of energy. Right now, I want to go back to sleep because this virus I have is kicking my fucking ass. It is damn annoying. But I'll get through it. I always do.

As for time, we all have the same 24. This will never change.


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