Saturday, August 21, 2010

Random Thoughts on Various Subjects


Julian gets charged with rape. Then, they drop the charge. Unbelievable. How inept can these fucking bastards be? Meanwhile, the Pentagon is trying to muster up some way to bring criminal charges against an exercise of that pesky First Amendment.

Folks, let me put it to you straight. The bastards in government don't give a fuck about civilians, US citizens, or anyone else. They are evil, and Wikileaks is the light. This recent stupidity is like kids trying to shoot the light out with a BB gun. I have to wonder when they will send out the assassins. All I know is that we need more people like Julian Assange. Our democracy counts on it.


I've been waiting for Israel to bust an egg on the new nuclear plant in Iran, but as of this writing, nothing has happened. As far as I know, Iran's nuclear program is benign. It is the USA and Israel that want to make it into something sinister. What troubles me is how US foreign policy is hopelessly chained to whatever Israel wants. Naturally, the antisemitic remarks will be lobbed my way for pointing this out. All I know is that with two wars already bankrupting us, the US does not need a third war.


I think the mosque near Ground Zero is dumb, but I can agree that they have property rights that need to be respected. As for Obama, he is not a Muslim. Yet, the wingnuts will persist in claiming that he is. Otherwise, this is a dumb issue. It amazes me what people get worked up about. My advice is to go protest. Use freedom instead of force.


Bed bugs were wiped out by DDT. Then, shitheads wiped out DDT. Now, the bed bugs have returned. It's time DDT returned as well.

The case against DDT has turned out to be a bunch of overblown hype. As a consequence, many people have died from malaria carried by mosquitoes. But a million black deaths does not equal the discomfort of a white couple being feasted on in their NYC apartment. If DDT isn't brought back to the market, I predict a black market in the stuff. I would buy some without hesitation or remorse. It should never have been outlawed.


I am trying desperately to find one person who actually believes Obama on this one. I have to wonder why he even tried this bullshit. The war goes on without end. It will end when Ron Paul gets elected.


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