Friday, August 4, 2006

National Sports Law Institute Conference

Here's something that will be of interest to many in the sports law industry (and those who are trying to break into the industry): On Friday October 6, 2006, the National Sports Law Institute will host a conference on "Individual Performer Sports: Current Legal and Business Issues" on the campus of Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. There will be five panels, and they will address legal and business issues related to tennis, golf, track and field, poker, swimming and other individual performer sports.

Panelists include:

John Collins--partner, Collins & Collins, Chicago, IL

Adam Epstein--associate professor of finance and law, College of Business Administration, Central Michigan University, Mt. Pleasant, MI

Elizabeth A. (Libba) Galloway, executive vice president and chief legal officer, Ladies Professional Golf Association, Daytona Beach, FL

Jeff Gewirtz, general counsel & managing director of legal affairs, U.S. Olympic Committee, Colorado Springs, CO

Martin Greenberg, partner, Greenberg & Hoeschen, LLC, Milwaukee, WI

Gordon Kirke, Q.C., sports lawyer who also teaches sports law, Toronto, Canada

Richard McLaren, faculty of law, University of Western Ontario, and Chairman, Association of Tennis Professionals (ATP) Anti-Doping Tribunal, London, Ontario, Canada

Jim McKeown, partner, chair Antitrust Practice Group, and member Sports Industry Team, Foley & Lardner LLP, Milwaukee, WI

Barbara Osborne, associate professor in exercise and sport ccience, and adjunct professor in law, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Jill Pilgrim, general counsel & director of business affairs, USA Track & Field, Inc., Indianapolis, IN

Ryan Rodenberg, associate general counsel, Octagon, McLean, VA [and Sports Law Blog guest contributor]

James Sullivan, executive vice president, Poker Royalty, LLC, and founder and president, MVP Sports Group, Las Vegas, NV

For more information, check out this link. It should be a great conference.


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