Saturday, May 13, 2006

Random Thoughts on Various Subjects

1. Magician David Blaine almost drowned in his fishbowl stunt. Of course, I think calling him a magician is straining that term a bit. He's gotten Houdini's art of self-promotion down, but Houdini could actually do something cool like escape from a milk can. Blaine's singular talent these days is pissing through a tube while sitting in a confined space. As Chris Rock put it, "Where's the magic in that?"
2. Does anyone still think the Republican Party is still the party of smaller government?
3. Certain elements of the Catholic community are concerned that The Da Vinci Code might damage the image of the church and promote heresy. I have to wonder where these people were when all those Catholic priests were molesting and fucking little boys and girls.
4. When I tell people that I'm a libertarian, they invariably invoke the name of Neal Boortz who IMHO is no libertarian at all. I've listened to Boortz's show on a couple of occasions, and the man is simply too beholden to his Republican listeners to be a true libertarian. Most of the time, he is indistinguishable from Rush Limbaugh.
5. Qwest deserves accolades for saying no to the NSA's request for phone records and info. I'm sure they were just covering their asses more than standing on principle, but it's refreshing nonetheless.
6. Dale Jr. is looking good. He just might win the championship this year.
7. The Poseidon Adventure did not need a remake. The original was a great flick that cannot be improved upon. Though it ain't The Godfather, Hackman and Borgnine were the shit. Hollywood is desperate to infuse some spirit into the soulless CGI shit they make these days. They need to return to great storytelling.
8. I recently read that it takes seven gallons of fossil fuels to make eight gallons of ethanol. That does not include shipping the ethanol to where it needs to go. The only way it could ever get off the ground is with heavy subisidizing from the federal government. Much of this will go to farmers and others lining up at the trough. It's all just Washington bullshit meant to waste taxpayer's money to buy the votes of Midwestern voters.
Here's a good article on the topic:


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