Saturday, May 6, 2006

Issues in the Workplace

A coworker asked me why I don't write about our job on the blog here. My reason for that is simple. I want to keep my job.
I have never suffered from writer's block because I have always had a unique condition known as severus bullshitus that enables me to write or speak for hours on end on just about any subject you care to name including ones I don't know a damn thing about. This means I never have to use specific workplace issues as material. My own colon is sufficient for this task.
OTOH, there are universals within the workplace that I would like to write on. It seems that every place I work the same basic things occur. I can definitely write on these.
As for my infrequent posting on the blog here, this is because of the many long hours I put in on the job. I do not regret this since I like to work. The job comes first.


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