Monday, March 1, 2010

Brennan gets some Arena Time

Main news for today is that hopefully (fingers, toes, hooves, paws, eyes crossed) Brennan will be headed to Gavin Morison over winter to be started under saddle - Yay! He had his first hoof trim yesterday (in the evening, when it was cool - so after 'arena time') and was a good boy. He was a little suspicious of Nick and even more suspicious of his flappy chaps (which came off) but aside from stepping sideways a few times and being a little 'sniffy' and evasive, he was a very good boy and now his feet look beautiful (thanks Nick!).

Earlier in the day I took him out of his paddock and shoved a running plait and forelock braid in his mane, ran a brush over him (will tackle that tail after he has had a good introduction to Mr Hosepipe) and popped him in the arena for a bit of a trot around. It's very hard to get a horse running around AND take photos so he never REALLY got going but I am still pleased with a number of the photos I managed to get and would like to share a few of my favourites.

Next on the agenda is a decent video to show off his lovely ground covering paces - He is going to be absolutely beautiful to ride, I just know it!


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