Being a libertarian in a non-libertarian world can make you a pissed off individual. It seems that every person is a would-be dictator eager to police the lives, liberty, and property of all those around them. Since not everyone gets to be dictator, they settle for electing tyrannical fools to do the job for them. These busybody people can be divided into two large groups--fasctards and leftards.
Fasctards are those who lean to the right in their political thinking. I call them fasctards because they are stupid and also tend towards fascism which is socialism for the elite. Every type of policy they advocate is aimed at subordinating some other group usually with dark skin. This is why they advocate the Police State, the Warfare State, American imperialism, and denigrate social welfare not for economic reasons but racial reasons.
As foolish as fasctards can be, I do not find them that irritating. I am not sure why this is the case. I encounter plenty of them and can always watch them on Fox News. I disagree with them, but excepting Bill O'Reilly, I feel no urge to punch them repeatedly in the face. I have tried to understand my tolerance of them, but it boils down to this. At heart, a fasctard is a pessimistic libertarian. They believe in freedom but only for those who have the virtue to practice it responsibly. It does not take much for me to make them rethink their worldviews as I point out the futility of the drug war or how many of our present enemies used to be on our payroll. The way to turn a fasctard is direct his pessimism towards the inescapable reality that efforts to make people better will fail, and you are better off letting them suffer the consequences of their own actions.
Leftards are much different. I can't be around one for very long without heaping derision upon them. This is because leftards imagine themselves brilliant which gives them the right to run your life for you. In other words, you are stupid. I am smart. Let me make your decisions for you because I can do it so much better than you can. Naturally, we can trust their brilliance because they are so damn benevolent. I find this nauseating as hell.
Leftards are the ultimate busybodies. They believe that as long as an idea is good this gives them the right to use force for your own good. They have a creeping logic that leads to dehumanizing people as individuals. The most recent example is their argument that we should not have free markets in healthcare because consumers are too stupid to know what is in their best interest. Therefore, we should turn over our medical care to the technocrats and the experts because they are so much smarter than us. But as Hayek points out, these people who imagine themselves so brilliant are actually idiots.
In a free market, people make wise choices and poor choices. Some people will go to a real doctor. Others will go to a chiroquack. Others will resort to witch doctors and faith healers. Now, it is unfortunate that people fall into quackery, but it is better than having a potential quack being in charge of our medical decisions. Leftards will argue that they are smart about such things, and I will merely point out the quackery being peddled on The Huffington Post, a leftard blog.
The fact is that leftards think dumb shit all of the time. They are not nearly as brilliant as they suppose themselves to be. They are merely smug and arrogant in their own opinions. They are not unlike teenagers who have yet to amass enough wisdom to know anything but are quite convinced that they are the smartest people on the planet. Essentially, leftards are trapped in extended adolescence.
I have a field day with these morons. Their arguments amount to trying to equate me with Rush Limbaugh, and then, they bash on Limbaugh as being a fat windbag. Of course, we have that fat windbag called Michael Moore who is as stupid as Rush but in the other direction. But I am not Limbaugh. I believe in social liberty as well as economic liberty. I have yet to meet a leftard that can get his or her mind wrapped around that concept.
The reality is that leftards are more close minded than their fasctard counterparts. I find this ironic since they imagine themselves as such champions of freedom of speech and the downtrodden. But this is a sham. In the breast of every leftard beats the heart of a tyrant. Freedom for them is the opportunity to go along willingly before they opt to drag your ass kicking and screaming. They are not unlike Nurse Ratched from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest. Behind their "benevolence" is sheer horror.
I don't like being around these people. I don't debate them so much as bait them. I turn them into the butt of the joke. I'm not able to be in a room with them without heaping derision on them. I can't help myself. I mock them because it is the only positive thing I can do with the absolute revulsion that I feel around them.
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