The recent scandals involving Tiger Woods, Jesse James, Mark Sanford, John Edwards, etc. provokes a lot of questions and debates. The reality is that most men cheat and so do most women. Monogamy is a myth. What makes it absurd is that people still keep getting married. This is dumb.
Marriage is an outdated and unrealistic institution. All it does is mix sex and money in a deal that is more than likely to go sour. Prostitution is renting. Marriage is ownership. Trust me, you are better off renting.
Readers may wonder what my girlfriend thinks of these comments I make on a regular basis, and I can tell you that she blisters my ass when she reads them. But I don't cheat on my girlfriend. That is because I love her. If you love someone, you don't hurt them. These philanderers don't love the women they married.
For me, being with my girlfriend is a daily choice. Marriage is the mistaken belief that you can make love permanent. You can't. People change. They move on. And it is a two-way street. My girlfriend can drop me like a bad habit, and that's just the way it is. If I want to keep her, I have to work at it or else get fired.
Tim Robbins and Susan Sarandon recently broke up after decades together. No controversy there. They went their separate ways. This is the way it should be. There are rumors that both of them cheated on one another, but it isn't quite as scandalous as Tiger and Jesse because no ring was involved. They never bought the fairy tale, so there was no illusion to shatter. This is honesty and sobriety.
I know a married couple that practice polyamory. Basically, she fucks every guy (and girl) she can find while her cuckold husband stays home, tends to the child, pays the bills, and tries to put a stoic nonchalance on a shattered ego. I can agree with them that monogamy is a myth but so is the idea that you cannot be hurt or be jealous knowing your partner is out fucking someone else.
I follow a middle path. Be monogamous but never marry. This works. Women will hate this, but I will point to Oprah and Stedman. Oprah does not marry. She is no different than George Clooney or Gene Simmons. She is brilliant on this.
As for guys who are married, I can't help you on this. Most men who are married find their women stop trying anymore. This is "permanence." Once the guy is stuck, the women lets herself go to shit, and he has to put up with it. It's like the difference between a government worker who belongs to a union and a temp hoping to land a full time gig. Performance and incentives are tied together.
You should never be too secure in life. Marriage is the lie that you can take the other person for granted. You can't.
Goldie Hawn who has been happily unmarried to Kurt Russell for 25 years had this to say:
We both have independent finances, we’re both independently well-off. We have raised our children brilliantly; they are beautiful people. We did a great job there and we didn’t have to get married to do that. I like waking up every day and seeing that he is there and knowing that I have a choice. There is really no reason to marry.
Another brilliant woman.
People ask me all the time what was in the bill, and I can't tell them. No one has read the damn thing. Any law that is longer than the Constitution is a bad law. You don't have to read it to know that you shouldn't vote for it.
Obama is gambling that the American people will end up liking this in much the same way that they ended up liking Social Security and Medicare. The sad thing is that Obama may just be right. It is said that drug dealers give away free samples to hook future users. Politicians are no different. Once people are hooked to that government handout, they never willingly give it up and will even fight to keep it. If you doubt this, look no further than the AARP or the Republicrats who will do anything to ensure and expand their entitlements. The same is also true of subsidized farming, defense contractors, etc. Uncle Sugar has many teats for eager mouths to suck on.
It will take an economic collapse to restore sanity. People don't want to be deluded, but they don't want to be shocked into reality either. Reality always has the last word.
Iceland went from a rugged economy built on industry and fishing to a bullshit economy built on international finance. When the bust happened, Iceland went straight to shit. With newfound sobriety, they are now returning to industry and fishing. This is a national scale example of my blue collar revolution in action.
America is not much different than Iceland was. Everybody here wants a bullshit job in a bullshit economy. They want to wear a tie, have a position, and garner huge salaries for providing absolutely nothing in terms of value. These people are supposed to be paid for the quality of their knowledge and their decision making. Yet, why are they all so goddamned stupid? And where is the leadership?
The beauty of a recession is when a bullshitter has to go and get a real job.
In the aftermath of the Obamacare Assrape, politicians claimed they were spit on, threatened, and called all sorts of ugly names. There were also gunshots and acts of vandalism. I'd like to get a few things straight on this shit. I'm not down with political violence. I can categorically condemn all such activities regardless of the politics. There is a time to use violence but only when the other side pulls out their guns. This is done not to make political points but to defend yourself. As much as I despise the fucktards in DC, they haven't sent out the death squads yet. Until then, citizens should keep it civil.
With that said, it is no secret that politicians embellish any and almost everything that happens to make political points. The fact is they receive hate mail and threats on an almost constant basis. This is the price for being in public. Celebrities, athletes, and even bloggers like myself get some nasty shit sent their way. You take it with a grain of salt. I remember a guy who wrote to me that he would like to come and fuck my shit up with a pipe bomb. I told him his brains would look good covering my wall. I didn't hear anything back from him anymore.
Leftards really like to push the idea that Tea Party people are just a bunch of violent hate filled rednecks who need to be put down by the jackboot of "enlightened" government authority. Remember, there have been tons of violent leftwingers from the Weather Underground to the Earth Liberation Front to the luddite treehugging Unabomber. To lump in the Sierra Club and Greenpeace in with ELF is disingenuous, and I don't do that. But leftards lump in Tea Party people with neo-Nazis, the KKK, and Timothy McVeigh without a moment's hesitation. This is all part of their setup to step up a violent counterstrike against their political opponents or at least marginalize anyone who disagrees with their socialist agenda. What a bunch of fucking idiots.
I endeavor to understand and appreciate the viewpoints of others even if I disagree with them and denigrate them with profanity laced zeal. This even includes camel fucking jihadi terrorists. But at the end of the day, when the government takes money from you and gives it to someone else, this is theft. When the government tells you what you can and can't do when those things hurt no one else, this is tyranny. And when the government murders innocents abroad, this is evil. Maybe I'm too simpleminded to grasp the "complexity" of these issues.
The truth is not complex. It is simple. Truth does not need fine print. It does not 1000+ pages of legalese. Truth does not need to apologize later when the shit comes out. The truth is the truth.
People in America are mad as hell. It is easy to dismiss a militia member or some wingnut conspiracy theorist. But ordinary Americans are seeing their lives diminished. Their taxes are going up. The prices for goods and services are going up. Deficits and the national debt are growing at an alarming rate. Pessimism has taken hold as people see their futures as nothing but a dark cloud. Meanwhile, bailed out banksters are enjoying windfall profits at the expense of working class Americans. This is the fault of the politicians. This is the hope and the change they talk about. The speak to us like we were children and fools. They piss down on our backs and tell us to enjoy the rain. I am amazed that this country hasn't turned violent against these motherfuckers. The protests you see now are actually a restrained reaction to the outright looting and theft politicians are doing.
There is a boil festering in this country, but it will be lanced this November. As much as the public may hate those motherfuckers in DC, they voted to put them there, and they can vote to fire their asses. When democracy is abolished, that is when the revolution will begin. But so far, patience and peace trump force.
To be fair, no Republican ever endorsed violence as a way to express opposition to health-care reform, and they undoubtedly regret what's happened. On the other hand, many stoked anger over the past few months by employing staggering hyperbole over a document they cast as tyrannical and totalitarian. Boehner, for example, called the vote on the bill “Armageddon,” and said Ohio Rep. Steve Driehaus could be a “dead man” in his largely red Cincinnati district. I can understand if he and other Republicans are upset about being grouped with the extremists chucking bricks through windows. But by condemning violence and blasting Democrats in the same breath, Republican leaders implicitly validate the anger spurring these incidents. Instead of defusing the situation, this sort of response escalates it.
You gotta love a completely shitheaded argument like this. This is the dumbest thing I have read all week. Basically, Republicans are to blame because they stoke the anger of people. Amazing. It has nothing to do with Democratic tomfuckery whatsoever. Heck no. If those damn Republicans would just shut up, then everybody would be happy about being sodomized by Barack Obama. Fucking amazing. In other words, there would be no violence or anger if critics would stop pointing out how the government is taking away our money and our freedom. They would probably go along with what Hugo Chavez said about the internet:
The Internet can't be something free from rules, where you do and say whatever you feel like. Each country needs to make its own rules and norms.
This is from a man with dictatorial aspirations, is an avowed socialist, and has shut down television and radio stations for being critical of him and his policies. Trust me, all leftards think alike. They all adhere to the Marxist inevitability doctrine that we will all live in the future communist utopia of central planning. Obama admits as much when he said that the healthcare bill was not perfect but a step towards the ultimate goal of universal healthcare which we all know is code for socialized medicine. Pointing out that Obama is a socialist is derided as "hate speech." That is a neat trick there. Words are equated with violence in a sort of precrime fashion. Republicans don't advocate violence, but they make people angry which leads them to advocate violence. Why is socialist legislation not a slippery slope to socialism but calling it socialist is a slippery slope to violent revolution?
The reality is that leftards like Obama want socialism. They got overexcited by having a majority and skipped the foreplay and went straight for the sphincter. With the rape already underway, Obama and his leftard ilk now have to ride it all the way. In short, they know they are fucked, so they are going to enjoy the crime while they can. They just want to muffle the cries a little longer before the cops come with the pepper spray and the handcuffs.
It is tyranny. No other word can describe it.
I'm going to be unbiased and not declare a favorite for this year's tournament.
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