People wonder why Jay Leno is so damn popular. Why does he kick Letterman's ass night after night? And why does every other comedian hate his guts? The answer to that is obvious. Jay Leno is the least offensive guy on TV. Even Carson had more edge than Leno. The result is that comedians and late night hosts have zero respect for Leno for selling out. Meanwhile, viewers tune in heavily to Jay because he is the least likely to piss them off.
Comedy falls into two traditions. The first tradition comes from the circus with the clowns. These buffoons made fools of themselves and merely entertained. The second tradition is the court jester who could get away with telling the truth. The first tradition performs an exercise in escape from reality. The second performs an exercise in holding a mirror to reality. This is why many people say they get their news from The Daily Show and find Stewart's presentation more honest than traditional news.
Jay Leno is more of a lovable clown. He is a nice guy, and people like him. I like him. I don't think he's funny, but I like him. But I've always liked Letterman better. Dave makes me laugh. He isn't nearly as edgy as he was back on Late Night, but he definitely belongs to the court jester tradition.
Recently, I received this message from a Facebook reader:
I'm writing this in memo form so others don't c it and think I'm taking a jab. I wanted to tell u I have really enjoyed your political opinions when they post on my screen but have stopped reading them because of the language. I'm not trying to tell u what to do, but, I think u make a lot of great points that others need to hear and I think that u could reach a larger platform by cleaning it up. Once again, I'm a fan of most of your opinions, just not the language. U seem like a smart guy and we need more like u to help right the wrongs w/ 2days political situation but I don't think people will listen as well when said in a vulgar way. Just my opinion. That and a $1.09 will get u a sweat tea @ mcdonalds.
I tend to agree. I would reach a wider audience if I didn't do things like equate Obama with a jailhouse rapist. In fact, I could blunt my edge completely and become like Jay Leno. But I don't want to do this. I don't want people to read my blog and leave feeling comfortable and reassured. I want them to leave disturbed and angry.
My style is not the same as everyone else's. I don't think everyone needs to be or should be as raw as I am. But I'm not going to change on this. I think Obama is a shit-for-brains fucking idiot. I hate the son of a bitch because he is destroying the prosperity of this nation with his tomfuckery. I don't care if I may hurt his feelings or piss off his leftard followers with their tongues buried deep in the guy's asshole. I can't respect thieves and idiots.
The other aspect of my offensive language is that it makes this blog NSFW. I'm fine with that. The dirty secret of the internet is that office drones, academics, and other people with bullshit jobs waste their time goofing off online while the rest of us real workers go out and get shit done. Nixing the cussing would help get this site past all those firewalls and filters that prevent offensive content. But my real fans read this site on their iPhones during their lunch hour. The rest of the time they are working like they are supposed to be doing.
Finally, those who share my opinions may feel they may share in guilt by association. I hate to break it to you, folks, but South Park has already beat me on this. If you are a libertarian, you are in league with two guys who make cartoons about singing poo.
Nobody pays me to do this gig. I do this for me. I work for a living, and writing this blog is what I do in the evenings while the rest of you watch American Idol. I write this shit out of a compulsion and a need to get it all out. It is cathartic. The Cblog is my middle finger of defiance to a world that can kiss my ass. A thousand extra readers each month is no substitute for the good feelings I get from saying exactly what I want to say. Besides, for every offended person who sends me email or leaves comments, there are others who want me to keep doing exactly what I am doing now. I suspect they are also big Howard Stern fans, but that is just a theory of mine.
I'm keeping it dirty. Sorry 'bout it.
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